Friday, September 15, 2006

Burn, Baby, Burn.... Not

Back at it, its coming together. A few months ago, I had someone come in and clear trees, 14 to be exact. These trees were pine trees and were precariously close to, what my daughter refers to as, our "work house". The trees are BIG, I hated to cut them down, but knew it would be a safety issue w/ storms and they had to come down. To add to the sourness of the situation, they left the trees in two piles. One pile was impressive in size, with large 20-foot sections of these TREES. Ok, long story short we're burning them and we'd already done the initial burn where the dried needles and tops really burned high and hot - yea, scary ha ha! Now were burning the logs down, we had it going fair with trash we'd thrown in there, but it was reduced to a smolder, and its 1:00pm. A neighbor calls in a complaint and the fire dept came out two fire trucks, lights flashing and all. I felt like an outlaw ha ha ha! They put out the fire - apparently because they are required to do so, and I got a lecture about having a burn permit. Now I have my burn permit you know I can burn anywhere in the State of Florida mwa ha ha ha ha

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