Sunday, April 1, 2007

Primer and Paint... Repeat!

OMG - If I never have to paint another porch railing it would be too soon! The porch is finished and it is incredibly beautiful and I can't wait to sit outside while the wind blows and just enjoy the beauty of my 3 acres and the woods around me......

Now that you have that peaceful thought in your mind, let's bring you back to primering and painting that porch! The entire porch system is pressure treated wood - all except the new composite type planks that are supposed to last forever, never warp and never need painting. I love them, they are awesome. The pressure treated wood needed painting though, and there was a LOT of it. The "base" of the porch, posts that are part of the porch roof structure and all the crazy railings, which I give major kudos to my dad for making them from scratch - my dad is AWESOME! I had to primer them with the nasty oil base primer and then paint them - it was a long process but I got it done and it looks fantastic!

I bought some post top lights for my porch entry area and then some clamshell type lights for lighting the porch area, as well as the walkway to the porch - writing about it just doesn't do it justice and I am hoping I will be able to link my pics to these blogs so you all can see just how beautiful it turned out.

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