Sunday, April 23, 2006

Who Needs a Stairmaster?

I can't count how many times I've climbed up and back down ladders - but I swear I've lost 5 pounds or so since starting this project. Well it's either the ladder or the heat of working in the "loft" all day - I have my own sauna ha ha! It's been awhile since I've posted so let me catch you up. The house has been properly "jacked up", the main support beam has been moved to its appropriate position and the house has been properly "supported". All the framing fixes are complete - I've got to buy my front door tonight and install that tomorrow, run a couple outdoor electrical lines and then we can move on to starting the plumbing - Woo Hoo - what fun!

Last weekend was hot and productive - got to start using the nail gun, which packs a pretty good punch, I'd have to say. Although, I do like swinging a hammer better - just kinda makes me feel like I am "working" ha ha! I've been working every weekend since 3/24/06 and I'm TIRED! Working full time, going to school 2 days a week and building this house has been quite time consuming - but there is a light at the end of the tunnel - school is out after next week and I dont think I'll take summer courses. Not much else to report - trudging along - slowly but surely. I'll try to blog Sunday night to let you know how far we got this weekend - PEACE OUT!

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